Hello friends,
The past is never dead.
It’s not even past.
Finding his letter was heartbreaking.
For a long, long time,
I couldn’t find the courage to go back to where it all ended.
But all along I knew that it was the only right thing to do.
I read his words.
I found some answers.
Not all of them, but more than you.
My dad wrote that I need to accumulate knowledge.
You need to, too.
Moving forward is a necessity, but you don’t want to let so many questions stay unanswered.
They are of great value.
Reading his instructions provided me with a direction.
I knew that I had to search where it’s vast and dangerous.
I had to go to the island.
To retrieve the tracks of my ancestors and the many battles they fought.
I had to find the piece of stone.
Today, you have two paths to solve this riddle.
For one, you will use numbers. For the other, you’ll need to find what F founded.
They both will provide you the name to use.
But be careful… only one is true.
Good luck NoW.
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